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Monday, October 4, 2010

Northridge commons update

For a full year after Walmart and Lowes (the 2 anchors of the center) opened their doors to the public, here are the tenants...

  1. GameSTOP
  2. U.S. Cellular
  3. ABC Liquor
  4. LG Nails
  5. HomeTrust Bank (OPENING DECEMBER 2010)

It seems FOREVER for any other store to open in the center. If you had the choice what would you like to be going into the center?

One more thing, I have looked at the centers website and the site plans CHANGED AGAIN! It looks like we might be getting a 60000-70000 sq. ft store (KOHLS, JC PENNY, BELK in the making in possibly 2011??) which will be to the left of Walmart in the huge empty field, and a possible Dollar Tree. They have also moved the weaver house (the empty victorian house behind walmart) across the road to a small 1/2 acre lot and they are restoring the home to accomodate it for offices. I will try and keep you all informed for the latest news on this center.

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